Where can I get a link to install mToolkit?

Can someone provide a link to the mToolkit setup?

You can install MToolkit using the following command:

composer require mpstyle/mtoolkit

if you don’t have composer already installed on your PC, you can download the setup using this link


If you don’t mind me asking, can you walk me through the installation process for composer? what command line php should I use for it?

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thank you so much man.

The link I provided above is an executable file. So, once you launch the installer, you will be prompted to choose the command line PHP you want to use. If you have already installed PHP on your computer and added it to the system PATH, the installer should automatically detect the available PHP installations and you will see a list of detected PHP versions and you can choose one of them. If not, you should install PHP first and you can install composer after that.

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but this mtoolkit is php’s package , not eclipse kura’s software.
how could u used in eclipse kura? :hushed: