Screen shot of final setup

can someone send secreenshot of finihsed kura setup using eclipse installer

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A post was split to a new topic: Is it PC only or Android also

I am trying to solve the emulator issue yet, but if it helps, here is what i got finally


i got this too and it keep saying the osgi plugin is missing but i don’t think we do need the emulator

The simplest way to start developing on Eclipse Kura is to use an Eclipse Installer based setup. A detailed installation and setup guide is available on the official documentation. Here you’ll find a brief explaination of the required steps.

To correctly setup the environment, proceed as follows:

Install a jdk-8 distribution like Eclipse Temurin for your specific CPU architecture and OS.
Start the Eclipse Installer
Switch to advanced mode (top right hamburger menu > Advanced Mode)
Select “Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers” and configure the “Product Version” to be the version 2023-03 or newer.
Select the Eclipse Kura installer from the list. If this is not available, add a new installer from, then check and press the Next button
Select the “Developer Type”:
“User”: if you want to develop applications or bundles running on Kura, select this option. It will install only the APIs and the examples.
“Developer” : if you are a framework developer, select this option. It will download and configure the Eclipse Kura framework.
Update Eclipse Kura Git repository username and customize further settings if you like (e.g. Root install folder, Installation folder name). To show these options, make sure that the “Show all variables” checkbox is enabled
Set the JRE 1.8 location value to the installed local jdk-8 VM
Leave all Bootstrap Tasks selected and press the Finish button
Accept all the licenses and wait for the installation to finish At first startup Eclipse IDE will checkout the code, perform a full build and configure a few Working Sets
When the tasks are completed. In the IDE open (double click) Target Platform > Target-Definition > Kura Target Platform Equinox 3.16.0, and press “Set as Target Platform” located at the top right of the window
Now you are ready to develop on Eclipse Kura.

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There we go. once you set the Kura Target Platform Equinox 3.16.0 as a Target Platform you are done

hi i have an eclipse IDE and Jdk-19, do i need jdk-8 or not, and can you please explain how we install the kura workspace on the eclipse IDE

To avoid any kind of potential errors its better if you install the jdk-8 distribution Eclipse Temurin, you can find it here: Eclipse Temurin™ | to install the kura workspace on the eclipse IDE just follow the following instructions:

Install a jdk-8 distribution like Eclipse Temurin for your specific CPU architecture and OS.
Start the Eclipse Installer. you can download the Eclipse installer from here: Eclipse Installer 2023-06 R | Eclipse Packages
Switch to advanced mode (top right hamburger menu > Advanced Mode)
Select “Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers” and configure the “Product Version” to be the version 2023-03 or newer.
Select the Eclipse Kura installer from the list. If this is not available, add a new installer from, then check and press the Next button
Select the “Developer Type”:
“User”: if you want to develop applications or bundles running on Kura, select this option. It will install only the APIs and the examples.
“Developer” : if you are a framework developer, select this option. It will download and configure the Eclipse Kura framework.
Update Eclipse Kura Git repository username and customize further settings if you like (e.g. Root install folder, Installation folder name). To show these options, make sure that the “Show all variables” checkbox is enabled
Set the JRE 1.8 location value to the installed local jdk-8 VM
Leave all Bootstrap Tasks selected and press the Finish button
Accept all the licenses and wait for the installation to finish At first startup Eclipse IDE will checkout the code, perform a full build and configure a few Working Sets
When the tasks are completed. In the IDE open (double click) Target Platform > Target-Definition > Kura Target Platform Equinox 3.16.0, and press “Set as Target Platform” located at the top right of the window
Now you are ready to develop on Eclipse Kura.


eclipse kura already exists as developer project without adding it as a user project does this has an effect?

In Eclipse A user project is a project that you create and manage for your own development purposes while A developer project is a project that is typically part of the Eclipse IDE development environment itself.

If “Eclipse Kura” already exists as a developer project without you adding it as a user project, this means that you can use it as a dependency for your own user projects, but it won’t be directly available for you to modify or manage within your Eclipse workspace.

So if you want to directly modify Kura within your workspace you might consider adding it as a user project. I hope that helps.

i couldn’t it throws an error because it already exists

Then why don’t you delete everything and install it anew as a user project? @Melkishi

I did multiple times, I even tried to download it based on the documentation it is not working, is there online kura, if so please send me a link

After selecting “Eclipse IDE Eclipse Committers” I select “Eclipse kura from the list” after selecting eclipse I can’t get “Developer Type” option instead it takes me directly to Bootstrap tasks. where can i get this “Developer Type” option ?