Learning material

There is a shortage of learning material on kura and kapua so guys send anything you find.


This could help.

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This is a playlist check it out

If you are looking for written materials, here is the documentation
Eclipse Kura Docs

Just follow the Link provided, it has all the necessary matrerials

A post was split to a new topic: mToolkit and Hello world

any one with best youtube vidio to start learnign kapua and kura as a beginner?

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Check out this video: Lighting Solution Using the Eclipse Kapua and Eclipse Kura Platforms | Virtual IoT - YouTube Even though its a little bit long after watching it you will understand:

  • how kura and kapua can be used in real world projects
  • the difference between kura and kapua
  • How kura and kapua can be integrated with other devices and systems.
    I hope it helps
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